Extra Credit 1 - Exponent Quiz Program
Write a program which quizes the user on all the powers of 2 from 0 through 49, in random order. If the user answers wrong, make them keep trying until they get it right. When they are done, print the total time it took. This program could be used to practice powers of 2, which every good computer scientist should have memorized!
For less points, ask 50 random questions where repeats might be allowed. For more points, every question should be asked exactly once.
Sample Output:
What is 2 ** 13 ? 8k
What is 2 ** 29 ? 512m
What is 2 ** 40 ? 1t
What is 2 ** 5 ? 32
What is 2 ** 7 ? 228
Wrong! Try again: 256
Wrong! Try again: 128
What is 2 ** 16 ? 64k
Your total time was 250 seconds.