Create a class called Student.
The class should contain all the fields found in FakeNames.txt, which you can get from our Canvas Files page.
For future assignments, you may need some or all of these other files from our Canvas Files page:

Create a container class named Bag for storing unordered unique items.
(We will be filling the container with Student objects, but it MUST support any kind of item.)
For this assignment, the container class must support these methods: __init__, Insert, Exists, and Size.
Code these methods of this abstract data type using a Python List implementation behind the scenes.

If the Bag's Insert method get's an item that is the same as another item it already has, it should not add it again, but instead return False.
Otherwise it should add it and return True.
In order to detect if two items are duplicates, you will need to override the equal operator __eq__ for whatever type of items you are adding to the bag class.
In our case, you need to override the __eq__(self,rhs) operator of the student class to compare their SSN fields.
The Exists method should return True if the given item is in the bag, False otherwise.
The Size method should return how many items are currently in the bag.
In the next assignment you will add the methods __iter__ (for traversing), Delete, and Retrieve.

In a main function, Declare an object of type Bag.
Then write code that reads all the data from FakeNames.txt, makes a Student object for each line, and Inserts them into your bag.
It should watch for the False returns when trying to Insert, and print error messages.
Time how long the whole process takes, and have your main function print that.

When that is done, call the Size() method of your bag container to find out how many students got added to it. NOTE of clarification: Don't try to optimize your code at this point.
Just read lines from FakeNames.txt one at a time, make Student objects, and try to Insert them into your bag.