CS 2810: Computer Organization and Architecture

Fall 2024 Topics
Aug 19–23 binary, 2s complement, binary logic (ch1), linux, cli, ssh
Aug 26–30 ch6: instructions, operands, memory, constants, logical/shift, mul/div, branch & jumps, conditionals & loops
Sep 2–6 (Labor Day) gdb basics, floats intro, ch6: arrays, function calls, stack
Sep 9–13 gdb memory, endianness, float conversions both ways
Sep 16–20 functions, stack frames, memory map
Sep 23–27 more debugger: ch7: microarchitecture, single-cycle processor
Sep 30–Oct 4 ch7: multi-cycle processor, pipelining
Oct 7–11 ch7: advanced microarchitecture
Oct 14–18 (Fall Break)
Oct 21–25 (Fall Break) -
Oct 28–Nov 1 appx C: C overview, compilation
Nov 4–8 appx C: variables, operators
Nov 11–15 appx C: function calls, control flow
Nov 18–22 appx C: pointers, arrays, characters, strings, structs, typedef
Nov 25–29 (Thanksgiving) appx C: dynamic memory allocation, linked lists, standard library
Dec 2–6 (Thursday last day) cpu history

Note: Substantial changes to this schedule are likely and will be announced in class.


Getting started with Linux, CodeGrinder, GDB

Assembly, C, and architecture resources

Number conversions

Number conversion practice problems

Last Updated 08/26/2024