CS 3005: Programming in C++

Hello, world!


You need to setup your development environment to complete work in this course. This assignment will require you to install the build tools for C++, an appropriate editor, git, and make. You will also be required to create a GitHub account, use it to join the GitHub Classroom for this course, and checkout your GitHub repository.


Create a “Hello, world!” program in C++. This function’s console output must be “Hello, world!” followed by a newline character. It must also have an exit status of 0 (zero).

Programming Requirements

Create program-hello/hello.cpp


Create program-hello/Makefile

This file must contain rules such that any of the following commands will build the hello program:

Create program-hello/.gitignore

The file program-hello/.gitignore needs to store one line of text:


This will prevent the executable program hello from being committed to the repository. It is a derived file.

Create Makefile

Create a project-level Makefile so that running make or make all (all should be the default target) in the project directory will call make in the program-hello directory. The command to call a different Makefile within make is make -C {NEW_DIRECTORY} {TARGET}. Since you will create your program-hello Makefile to build the program as the default target, we do not need to specify a target here. Thus your command in your project-level Makefile can be make -C program-hello. This should be called under the default all target.

Additional Documentation

Grading Instructions

To receive credit for this assignment:

Extra Challenges (Not Required)

Last Updated 08/22/2024