CS 3005: Programming in C++

Instrument Designer


An instrument designer tool should allow a user to create an instrument by combining waveforms and envelopes to create an instrument’s sound. The program should allow the user to also hear the sound of the instrument by writing the sound to a WAV file.


In this assignment, you will create the instrument designer program. This will be a text menu based system, where the user can create instances of waveforms, envelopes, and instruments. The user will also be able to create WAV files that can be played to demonstrate the sound of the instruments.

The commands this program will have are listed in this table.

Command Prefixable? Function Description
help no menuUI Display help message.
menu no menuUI Display help message.
# yes commentUI Skip to end of line (comment).
comment no commentUI Skip to end of line (comment).
echo no echoUI Echo back the arguments given.
quit no quitUI Terminate the program.
list-waveforms no listWaveformsUI List waveforms in the inventory.
add-waveform no addWaveformUI Add waveform to the inventory.
edit-waveform no editWaveformUI Edit waveform in the inventory.
list-envelopes no listEnvelopesUI List envelopes in the inventory.
add-envelope no addEnvelopeUI Add envelope to the inventory.
edit-envelope no editEnvelopeUI Edit envelope in the inventory.
list-instruments no listInstrumentsUI List instruments in the inventory.
add-instrument no addInstrumentUI Add instrument to the inventory.
edit-instrument no editInstrumentUI Edit instrument in the inventory.
record-instrument-note no recordInstrumentNoteUI Record a note for an instrument to a WAV file.
configure-audio-track-and-wav-file no configure_audio_track_and_wav_file Configure meta data for the audio track and WAV file.

Note that some of these commands are the same as were available in the previous assignment.

Example Session

This sample session is kind of long. It builds several waveforms, envelopes, and instruments. It edits a waveform, an envelope, and an instrument. It displays the lists of waveforms, envelopes, and instruments. It also generates WAV files for a couple of instruments. Some of the assignment instructions will refer to this sample session to explain the output of several methods.

$ ./program-instrument-designer/instrument_designer 
Choice? add-waveform
Waveform name: sine-loud 
Waveform type: sine
Amplitude: 1.0
Choice? add-waveform
Waveform name: sine-soft
Waveform type: sine
Amplitude: 0.5
Choice? add-waveform
Waveform name: square-loud
Waveform type: square
Amplitude: 1.0
Choice? edit-waveform
Waveform name: sine-soft
Amplitude(0.5): 0.6
Choice? list-waveforms
sine-loud : sine-loud sine 1
sine-soft : sine-soft sine 0.6
square-loud : square-loud square 1
Choice? add-envelope
Envelope name: AD-quick
Envelope type: AD
Maximum amplitude: 1.0
Attack seconds: 0.01
Choice? add-envelope
Envelope name: AD-slow
Envelope type: AD
Maximum amplitude: 1.0
Attack seconds: 0.2
Choice? add-envelope
Envelope name: ADSR-1
Envelope type: ADSR
Maximum amplitude: 1.0
Attack seconds: 0.01
Decay seconds: 0.1
Sustain amplitude: 0.7
Release seconds: 0.02
Choice? edit-envelope
Envelope name: AD-slow
Maximum amplitude(1): 1.0
Attack seconds(0.2): 0.25
Choice? list-envelopes
AD-quick : AD-quick AD 1
AD-slow : AD-slow AD 1
Choice? add-instrument
Instrument name: quick-loud-square
Waveform name: square-loud
Envelope name: AD-quick
Choice? add-instrument
Instrument name: ADSR-sine
Waveform name: sine-soft
Envelope name: ADSR-1
Choice? edit-instrument
Instrument name: ADSR-sine
Waveform name: sine-loud
Envelope name: ADSR-1
Choice? list-instruments
ADSR-sine : sine-loud ADSR-1
quick-loud-square : square-loud AD-quick
Choice? configure-audio-track-and-wav-file
Samples/Second: 44100
Seconds: 1.0
Bits/Sample[8,16,24,32]: 32
Choice? record-instrument-note
Instrument name: ADSR-sine
Frequency: 261.626
WAV filename: middle-c-adsr-sine.wav
Choice? record-instrument-note
Instrument name: quick-loud-square
Frequency: 523.251
WAV filename: c5-loud-square.wav
Choice? quit

The WAV files created are available for download. You should compare the WAV files created by your program with these.

Menu Example

$ ./program-instrument-designer/instrument_designer 
Choice? menu
Options are:
# - Skip to end of line (comment).
add-envelope - Add envelope to the inventory.
add-instrument - Add instrument to the inventory.
add-waveform - Add waveform to the inventory.
comment - Skip to end of line (comment).
configure-audio-track-and-wav-file - Configure meta data for the audio track and WAV file.
echo - Echo back the arguments given.
edit-envelope - Edit envelope in the inventory.
edit-instrument - Edit instrument in the inventory.
edit-waveform - Edit waveform in the inventory.
help - Display help message.
list-envelopes - List envelopes in the inventory.
list-instruments - List instruments in the inventory.
list-waveforms - List waveforms in the inventory.
menu - Display help message.
quit - Terminate the program.
record-instrument-note - Record a note for an instrument to a WAV file.

Choice? quit

Error Messages Example

$ ./program-instrument-designer/instrument_designer 
Choice? add-waveform
Waveform name: fred
Waveform type: triangle
Unable to create a waveform of type 'triangle'.
Choice? add-envelope
Envelope name: wilma
Envelope type: ADAD
Unable to create an envelope of type 'ADAD'.
Choice? edit-waveform
Waveform name: barney
Unable to find a waveform with name 'barney'.
Choice? edit-envelope
Envelope name: betty
Unable to find an envelope with name 'betty'.
Choice? add-waveform
Waveform name: fred
Waveform type: sine
Amplitude: 1.0
Choice? add-envelope
Envelope name: wilma
Envelope type: AD
Maximum amplitude: 1.0
Attack seconds: 0.1
Choice? add-instrument
Instrument name: barney
Waveform name: bambam
Envelope name: dino
bambam does not name a waveform in this application.
Choice? add-instrument
Instrument name: flintstone
Waveform name: fred
Envelope name: dino
dino does not name an envelope in this application.
Choice? edit-instrument
Instrument name: flintstone
Waveform name: fred
Envelope name: wilma
flintstone does not name an instrument in this application.
Choice? record-instrument-note
Instrument name: flintstone
flintstone does not name an instrument in this application.
Choice? quit

Programming Requirements

Update library-application/ApplicationData.{h,cpp}

We will update the ApplicationData class to support collections of Waveform, Envelope, and Instrument objects.

ApplicationData Class

Data Members:

These additional data members should be in the private or protected section of the class. No public data members are allowed. The data members allow the program to keep track of collections of Waveform, Envelope, and Instrument objects.

public Methods:

We need to provide non-const versions of these methods to support changing the contents of the collections. We also need const versions for some read-only access to the contents of the collections.

Create library-commands/instrument_designer_aux.{h,cpp}

These files will contain the necessary user interaction commands to create the functionality of the instrument designer program.


Update library-commands/Makefile

Add instrument_designer_aux.{h,cpp} in the appropriate places to add them to the library and install the header file.

Create program-instrument-designer/instrument_designer.cpp


Create program-instrument-designer/Makefile

This file must contain rules such that any of the following commands will build the instrument_designer program:

Create program-instrument-designer/.gitignore

The file needs to store one line of text:


This will prevent the executable program from being committed to the repository. It is a derived file.

Update Makefile

Additional Documentation


Grading Instructions

To receive credit for this assignment:

Extra Challenges (Not Required)


Last Updated 02/18/2025