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CS 3510: Algorithms
Assignment 4
Problems identified by x.y(z) denote the problem “y”, in chapter “x” of the textbook, with part “z”. If “z” is not noted, then the entire problem is required.
Assignment 4a
- 4.22 Read this problem, and write down your ideas and questions about how to turn it into a graph path problem, such that our shortest path algorithms can be modified to solve it.
- Implement the binary heap from Figure 4.16 of the text book. Test it for correctness.
Assignment 4b
- 4.1(a) Run Dijkstra, tracking the problem data in a table.
- 4.12 Your algorithm should be O(|V|^2) or better.
- Create a runtime measuring program for the binary heap. Include the ability to measure performance of individual methods as a function of the number of items in the heap. Use powers of 2 for the sizes.
Assignment 4c
- 4.1(b) Run Dijkstra, show shortest-path tree.
- 4.14 By efficient, we mean no worse than Dijkstra’s algorithm.
- Measure the runtime of the
methods. For powers of 2 from 2^4 to at least 2^28. Record the results in a spreadsheet.
Assignment 4d
- 4.2(a) Run Bellman-Ford, tracking the problem data in a table as we did in class. Each iteration is a new array, based on the previous array. Start from node S.
- 4.2(b) Draw the shortest-path tree, using your table data.
- Add theoretical functions to your spreadsheet of results,
include at least log n, n, n log n and n^2. Produce a table
of these values normalized the
column at size 2^20. Chart this table.
Assignment 4e
- 4.8 (2 points) Prove = proof, disprove = counter-example
- 4.5 (2 points)
Assignment 4f
- 4.11 (2 points) How can you find cycles using path algorithms in this chapter?
- 4.15 (2 points)
- 4.19 (2 points ) Look for a modified version of Dijkstra that meets the criteria.
Assignment 4z, Due Never (optional)
- Other problems from the chapter
- Submit you solutions by the due date and time. For written problems, your work and answers as a PDF to Canvas. For code, submit the source code to the class git repository. For tables and graphs, submit a PDF to Canvas.
Last Updated 01/09/2023