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CS 3530: Computational Theory

Fall 2024 Schedule

Day Topic Reading Work Due
Aug 19 Computability, Math Foundations of Computability Ch 0.1,0.2
Aug 21 Math Foundations of Computability, Proofs Ch 0.2,0.3 0a
Aug 23 0b
Aug 26 Proofs Ch 0.3,0.4 0c
Aug 28 Finite Automata Ch 1.1 0d
Aug 30 1a
Sep 2 Labor Day (no classes)
Sep 4 Nondeterminism Ch 1.2 1b
Sep 6 Regular Expressions Ch 1.3 1c
Sep 9 Nonregular Languages Ch 1.4 1d
Sep 11 Nonregular Languages Ch 1.4 1e
Sep 13 Ch 1.4 1f
Sep 16 Context Free Grammars Ch 2.1 1g
Sep 18 Pushdown Automata Ch 2.2 1h
Sep 20 Ch 2.2 2a
Sep 23 Non-context-free Languages Ch 2.3 2b
Sep 25 Non-context-free Languages Ch 2.3 2c
Sep 27 Ch 2.3 2d
Sep 30 Turing Machines Ch 3.1 2e
Oct 2 Turing Machine Variants Ch 3.2 2f
Oct 3-7 Exam 1 Ch 0-2 Exam 1
Oct 4 Ch 3.2 2g
Oct 7 Definition of Algorithm Ch 3.3
Oct 9 Definition of Algorithm Ch 3.3 3a
Oct 11 Decidability Ch 4.1 3b
Oct 14 The Halting Problem Ch 4.2 3c
Oct 16 Ch 4.2 4a
Oct 18 Semester Break (no classes)
Oct 21 Semester Break (no classes)
Oct 23 Undecidable Problems Ch 5.1 4b
Oct 25 Mapping Reducibility Ch 5.3 4c
Oct 28 Mapping Reducibility Ch 5.3 4d
Oct 30 Measuring Complexity Ch 7.1 5a
Nov 1 Measuring Complexity Ch 7.1 5b
Nov 4 The Class P Ch 7.2 5c
Nov 6 The Class NP Ch 7.3 5d
Nov 7-11 Exam 2 Ch 3-5 Exam 2
Nov 8 The Class NP Ch 7.3
Nov 11 NP-completeness Ch 7.4
Nov 13 NP-complete Problems Ch 7.5 7a
Nov 15 NP-complete Problems Ch 7.5 7b
Nov 18 NP-complete Problems Ch 7.5 7c
Nov 20 Approximation Algorithms Ch 10.1 7d
Nov 22 Approximation Algorithms Ch 10.1 7e
Nov 25 Approximation Algorithms Ch 10.1 7f
Nov 25-Dec 3 Exam 3 Ch 7 Exam 3
Nov 27-29 Thanksgiving Break (no classes)
Dec 2 Probabilistic Algorithms Ch 10.2
Dec 4 Probabilistic Algorithms Ch 10.2
Dec 9 Final Exam 09:00 am - 10:50 am Ch 0-5,7 Final Exam

Class announcements may modify schedule from that listed above.

Last Updated 08/08/2024