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CS 4300: Artificial Intelligence

Assignment: Local Search for Agent Policy

Reflex agents can implemented with a lookup table, or policy, that maps states to actions. In this assignment, you will use local search to find a policy to use in a reflex agent. You are allowed to use any of the various local search algorithms discussed in class. If you would like to use a different local search algorithm, please clear it with the instructor first.

You will be searching for a policy that can be used in the Cliff Walking environment (

Remember, you are searching for a policy that can be used in this environment. You are not searching for a path from the start to the goal.

Required Process/Files


Use the GitHub repository available for this course to store your solution. Make a directory named local-policy-search. Store the local search program in local-policy-search/

Use this program to find a good policy for a reflex agent. This program should display the best policy found, and the objective function score for the policy. Each time this program is run, it will probably produce a different policy, due to the stochastic nature of local search starting points. This is fine. Every time it is run, it should produce a policy that solves the problem.

Store a reflex agent that uses the best policy you have found in local-policy-search/ Note that this agent should use the human render mode so that when executed the agent’s actions can be observed. Also note that since the start state is always the same, and environment is static and deterministic, this should produce the same results every time it is run.


The report should describe which local search algorithm(s) was(were) used. It should also describe the objective function used. If the function has multiple components, explain each one, and how the components are combined to produce a useful objective function.

Required Submissions

Hints and Resources

Last Updated 09/17/2024