IT 1100 : Introduction to Operating Systems

First Day of Class

Overview of course

Welcome to Class!


You will have

Watch Canvas for the exact schedule.


Most assignments are autograded. There are a few where a submission will be required in Canvas.


We have a number of resources we will be using to learn the material for this class. Our main textbook referred to as WES is online here: TextBook

In this class we will be learning about operating system installation, partitioning, file systems, program management and security. We will focus on the Linux family of Operating Systems - specifically the Ubuntu distribution.

However, much of what we will learn is generic to all computers. The concept of command line will help you no matter which OS you use at work and home.

*A linux installation has already been prepared for you. You will learn how to access it from home. You don’t need to install Linux on your own computer.*

Other Important Stuff

Your instructor will inform you of his/her

Labbies (Those good looking people in the red vests) have been provided in the Smith Computer Lab to assist you with homework. Depending on the number of students desiring their assistance there is a 1-5 minute time limit per question. If you require longer or more indepth assistance contact your instructor or fellow classmates. We are all here to help you succeed.

Class Goals

The object of this class is to help you know the correct answers to the following when logged into a Linux computer.

  1. Where am I?
  2. Where do I want to be?
  3. How do I get there?
  4. What do I want to do when I get there?
  5. How do I do it? Can I Google it and understand the answer?
  6. How do I check my work?
  7. How do I fix my mistakes?

Last Updated 08/22/2022