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IT 4100: File Systems


Due according to date on Canvas


Install FreeNas. This would be best done on your physical machine, or on VirtualBox with multiple disks. You might need to enable host-only networking for your vm and make sure that dhcp is turned on in global settings for things to be able to work right.

Create a volume.

Configure some shares as follows:


Create an nfs share of your choice. Show that you can connect to the share from a client machine.


Create an ISCSI target on the freenas. Show that you can correctly create an ISCSI initiator from a host.


Create an SMB shared folder. Show that you can correctly view the share from a windows machine.

Submission and Passoff

For each of the above, you should capture a screenshot of both the client side and the server side.

Last Updated 03/02/2019