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CS 4600: Senior Project
Project Proposal
Create a project proposal document, present it to the instructor, and receive approval for the project.
The document should contain at least the following sections:
Problem Description
This section describes the real-life issue that will drive the creation of the software project.
Proposed Solution
This section describes the functionality that will be provided by the software project. It should tie the software features to the described problem. The features must be prioritized to allow for flexibility in the final deliverable.
Technical Overview
This section will outline the technical resources you plan to use for your project. You must declare whether you have experience with each technology. Breadth or depth of technical skill development is required.
For example: I will be programming in Kotlin, using Android Studio for the mobile application. Much of this work will be tested using the emulator, but for the Peer-to-peer WiFi portions I will be using two Nexux 5X phones on Android 8.1 for testing. For deployment testing, I have access to a Google Pixel 2 as well. The server side will be written using Django, with data stored in MongoDB. I’ve completed WEB/CS 4200 so I have experience with MongoDB, but Django will be new for this project. I’ve used Android Studio with Java, but Kotlin will be new.
Milestone List
This is a weekly plan of which tasks will be completed to reach the proposed solution on time.
Validation Plan
A plan to test your project’s deliverables throughout development. This should include how you’re going to test, how test results get used in development, and an overview of the functionality to be tested.
The proposal must be approved by the instructor to receive any credit. To receive full credit, the proposal must be clearly written, well organized, and cleanly formatted.
Upload PDF of the document to the Canvas assignment.
Last Updated 01/17/2023