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CS 4600: Senior Project
Update your LinkedIn profile and GitHub repositories.
LinkedIn Profile
The profile must be updated with the following current information:
- A current photo of you
- Technical employment history (if any)
- College-level education history, with anticipated graduation date
- Technical skills and knowledge areas
- A list of 8–12 academic/personal/professional portfolio projects, each with a title and 1–2 sentence summary
- At least 4 of these projects must include a direct link to a public repository (see below)
A hosted, personal website may be substituted in place of a LinkedIn profile. If used, the site must contain the same information listed above.
GitHub Repositories
You must have at least 4 public project repositories, each with the following content:
- Must be public
- Code files from the project that are reasonably organized and accessible
- A document for the repository that contains a title, at least 1–2 paragraphs/sections summarizing the project, and at least one screenshot of the project (if the project includes a user interface or display of any kind—either text or graphical)
Any hosted repository site may be used. The repositories must meet the above criteria.
The profile and repositories will be verified to meet the above criteria. Remember the real purpose here is to give you a public facing image for use in job search, now and in the future.
Submit a direct link to the published LinkedIn profile or hosted personal website, which then contains links to the GitHub repositories.
Last Updated 01/09/2023