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CS 4300: Artificial Intelligence

Assignment: Model Search Agent

Create an agent to perform in the Taxi environment, (taxi source code).

The performance measure used by this assignment to assess the quality of your agent will be the episode total reward, averaged over at least 100 episodes. An agent that doesn’t complete some episodes (times out / runs out of memory / crashes), will be given an average score of -200.

After your report and code are reviewed, assignment grades will be assigned. The maximum possible score will be controlled by the agent’s performance measure. See the table below.

Use the GitHub repository available for this course to store your solutions. Make a directory named taxi-model-search, and store your agent in taxi-model-search/ This file must contain a class Agent1 with the methods:

Note that you are to implement an agent that has a model of the environment and uses one of the uninformed search algorithms we have discussed. DO NOT make a reinforcement learning agent, or use some other algorithms for these agents.

The model must contain at least these methods:

Where s is the state received from the gymnasium environment, and a is an action number used by the gymnasium environment.

We discussed in class that some form of depth limited search would probably be most successful for this problem, with iterative deepening search probably being the best.

Create a short report, containing these elements:

Required Submissions

Performance Measure Expectations

Average Score Maximum Possible Grade
a < -100 50%
-100 <= a < 0 65%
0 <= a < 1 75%
1 <= a < 2 80%
2 <= a < 3 85%
3 <= a < 5 90%
5 <= a < 7 95%
a >= 7 100%


Any solution to this problem requires that you drive to the passenger, pick them up, drive to the destination, drop them off.

You might want to consider solving the problem in two stages:

This will make the depth of goal states about 12 of goal states that would be found solving the full problem. Since the depth of solution is the exponent in our time complexity, this is a huge time savings.

Last Updated 09/12/2024